Clan Poole of the Uí Briúin
The Celtic House of Poole - Céad míle fáilte (a hundred thousand welcomes)

The Lordship of the Manor of Shevington.

The Lordship of Shevington resides within the metropolitan borough of Wigan, Greater Manchester, England.

*This page is incorporated within the Clan Poole website, as the Lordship now resides with the Poole Family of Wigan, and is purely for informative purposes* any news or updates regarding the Lord of the manor and his work within the community will be posted on the Clan Poole news section as well as the social media channels which are Facebook: @LordshipofShevington & Twitter: @OfShevington Thank you. The Lordship of Shevington was first held by Sir Adam Banastre, he was Lord of the Manor in 1288 and then the Lordship passed by right or purchase to the Standish, Catterall, Stanley, Rigby, Hulton, Dicconson and Hesketh families, to name a few. Now the heritage of the Lordship resides with the Poole family, bringing the Lordship back to use within the community. Clan Poole’s Chief is the 14th Great-Grandson of Sir Thomas Hesketh. The Celtic House of Poole has DNA links to branches of Irish and Scottish Nobility, tracing heritage back to the year 200CE, via YDNA Testing. (The Chain of Office for the Lordship of Shevington) The Lordship of the Manor of Shevington a brief history Shevington or then Scheuynton, 1253; Sheuington, 1277; Sewinton, 1288; Sheuynton, 1292; the spelling with 'g' became usual about 1350. It became a Manor, an estate system of local government held of the king by a Lord of the Manor from the 12th to the 18th centuries, spanning the reigns of the Plantagenets, the House of Lancaster, the House of York, theTudors, the Stuarts, the Commenwealth under Oliver and Richard Cromwell. The restoration of the Stuart line back on the throne of England, to the reign of King George III of the House of Hanover. The area was included within the ecclesiastical parish of Standish until 1887 when it was granted separate status with the consecration of St Anne's Church. From earliest times the area had a sparse and scattered population, eking out a living from the common and woodland/farmlands owned by the church including Burscough Priory, Cockersand Abbey and the Knights Hospitallers, until the dissolution of the Monasteries from 1536. Using advanced AI, it has extrapolated that upon Darren Poole’s sucsession to the Lordship he would now be the 14th Lord of Shevington. What is a Lord of the Manor? Historically a Lord of the Manor could either be a tenant-in-chief if he held a capital Manor directly from the Crown, or a Mesne Lord if he was the vassal of another Lord. The origins of the Lordship of Manors arose in the Anglo-Saxon system of Manorialism. Following the Norman conquest. In medieval times the Manor was the nucleus of English rural life. It was an administrative unit of an extensive area of land. The whole of it was owned originally by the Lord of the Manor. He lived in the Manor house. Attached to it were many acres of grassland and woodlands called the park. These were the "demesne lands" which were for the personal use of the Lord of the Manor. Dotted all round were the enclosed homes and land occupied by the tenants of the Manor. Manorial courts Many Lords of the Manor were known as squires, at a time when land ownership was the basis of power. While some inhabitants were serfs who were bound to the land, others were freeholders, often known as franklins, who were free from customary services. Periodically all the tenants met at a 'Manorial Court', with the Lord of the Manor (or squire), or a steward, as chairman. These courts, known as Courts Baron, dealt with the tenants' rights and duties, changes of occupancy, and disputes between tenants. Some Manorial Courts also had the status of a Court Leet, and so they elected constables and other officials and were effectively magistrates' courts for minor offences. The Manorial system today. By 1925, copyhold tenure had formally ended with the enactment of Law of Property Acts, Law of Property Act 1922 and Law of Property (Amendment) Act 1924, converting copyhold to fee simple. Although copyhold was abolished, the title/dignity of Lord of the Manor remains as an (Incorporeal Hereditament) and certain rights attached to it will also remain if they are registered under the Land Registration Act 2002. This Act ended manorial incidents unprotected by registration at the Land Registry after October 2013. The Land Registration Act 2002 does not affect the existence of unregistered Lordships after October 2013, only the rights that would have previously been attached to them. A Manorial Lordship or Ladyship should not be confused with British Peerages, as a Lordship of the Manor is not connected to the British honours system, nor is it a title of nobility, more so a Manorial Lordship belongs to the feudal system, as a form of feudal dignity.
Crooke Hall, Shevington.
© Clan Poole 2019-2025