The Image to the left is that of the Clan Poole Cromach, (Shepherds Crook) that’s been passed down the family line for generations. The Clan Poole Claidheamh Mòr (Great Sword), as well as the Clan Oath Stone and the Coronet worn by the Clan Chief. All these form the Clan Poole ceremonial Clan Jewels. The Poole Claidheamh Mòr is a Scottish Claymore Sword, twisted wooden hilt, brass guard and pommel. The Clan Oath Stone was sourced from Wales, this stone is used at the nvestiture of Clan Poole Chiefs, the incoming Chief would lay a hand upon the stone and swear an oath to the Clan and its members. Likewise the Chiefs Coronet, (Brass hammered circlet) is also used during an investiture, to the right is the Clan seat and the Shevington Lordship Livery or Chain of Office draped atop.
Clan Poole of the Uí Briúin
The Celtic House of Poole - Céad míle fáilte (a hundred thousand welcomes)
Fáilte, Welcome to the home of Clan Poole online. Clan Poole was officially founded on the 7th March 2019, after consulting with Finte na hÉireann - Clans of Ireland. It was that date when the Clan was recorded as a member of Clans of Ireland. Please see this Public Notice regarding the Election of the Leader of Clan Poole. We aren’t just of Irish origin we also have English Scottish and Welsh ancestry, although no recognition has been awarded to the Clan from the Lord Lyon King of Arms as of yet, but this will be a aim in progress. What is a Clan? A clan is a group of people united by an actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if lineage details are unknown, clan members may be organized around a founding member or apical ancestor. But, you don’t have to bear the name of the Clan to be a member of it, you can pledge loyalty to the Clan and its Chief, thus obtaining membership by that route. Clans preceded more centralized forms of community organization and government, and exist in every country. Members may identify with a coat of arms or other symbol to show that they are an independent clan.
If you’d like to represent Clan Poole using our Tartan, make sure you have permission to use the Tartan first by Emailing us beforehand. The Poole Tartan at present is custom woven per item, those who want an item woven, be it a kilt or scarf, shop around to find a weaver that’s best for you. Prices do vary.

Clan Poole Tartan

Recent Clan updates

(December 2024 - Christmas Letter from the Chief available) DNA Section also newly updated with YDNA results. You can also you can now listen to The Calling of Clan Poole, a piece of Pipe music commissioned by our Chief and Composed by Keith Knight; either on our Facebook Page or new YouTube Channel. Join the Clan and become a part of our history, make our journey a part of yours, as our motto states et nos unum summus - Together we are one! Clan Membership is £29.99 GBP per year.
I didn’t know Clan Poole exsisted, I’m so glad I get to be a part of this. Jennifer Poole, USA.
I’m not a Poole, but I am a Clan Poole Clansman, I love being able to say in my own way, I helped to make a little bit of history come alive! Jason Ward, England.
© Clan Poole 2019-2025